Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Power of Facebook Advertising

Social media was once considered to be only for teenagers or for those looking for romance and relationships but that has changed dramatically in recent years. Facebook has evolved as one of the most valuable assets to advertisers who are striving to reach a particular niche audience.

Facebook is the largest and most visited social network on the web today is.

Not only is it a popular location for social interactions but also it is becoming a fiercely competitive marketing tool. Many entrepreneurs are beginning to tap into this advantageous method of generating leads and sales for their businesses. Research is showing that the average Facebook user spends just over 6 hours a month on Facebook which is double the amount of time of its closest competitor, Google. Over 50% of these users are perusing Facebook from a mobile device which means that there are more than 543 mobile users searching for goods and services while on-the-go. Every day there are more than 3.2 billion items that are liked or commented about on Facebook pages and that translates into a very powerful mode of advertising for any business.

Advertising campaigns on Facebook are providing up to a 5 fold return on any investment because of the strategic targeting of the right audience. Consumers are becoming more aware of brands and are recalling what they are seeing more than other online advertising averages. Facebook advertising is the catalyst for more positive conversations about businesses as well. More importantly, the 47% trust rate for advertising on Facebook commands a respect and awareness of this tool that can effectively be used to expand the bottom line.

When considering the most efficient way to invest advertising dollars, you should include Facebook advertising in your plan. You can connect to this exploding power to target new business, to generate high quality leads, and to piggyback additional advertising strategies, like word-of-mouth advertising, to more effectively stretch your advertising monies. An entirely new world of possibilities will be opened up to you with Facebook advertising.

Facebook advertisers are permitted to geo-target an audience by country which allows the advertiser the ability to limit or expand the message of their ad based on settings that are selected. Most of the countries in the world are now Facebook friendly which expands boundaries that once limited the sale of products to smaller areas and locations.

One of the features of advertising with Facebook is the advantage of keyword interest targeting. When a user signs up for Facebook, they create a profile page that is based on their interests, likes, and activities. When you create your ad for Facebook, you have the option of searching and selecting keywords that are of interest to a specific user. This will better target an audience that is already interested in your ad before they even see it. As an example, let's say that you as an advertiser are trying to reach people who are doing home remodeling projects. When you type in the word home remodeling, a list of keywords will be pulled up for you that are related to the profiles of users who listed home remodeling as one of their interests. You can then choose any of these keywords in your ad to reach those people who have these keywords in their profiles. You are targeting an audience who is interested in your information and who will respond to your ad.

Before you begin your advertising campaign, it's important to clearly know who you want to target. Customize your Facebook advertising to the target market so that this tool work better for you and your company. Try to vary your approach so you can attract different groups. 20 year olds will view your ad differently than a 40 years old will even if they have the same need for your product. Appeal to your potential client in a positive and attention-getting way. Be clear, concise, and brief.

There are several ways to advertise on Facebook; you can use these cost-effective ways to increase the traffic to your website and generate more business and profits for you. The first way to advertise on Facebook is to create a business profile so you can interact with your list of "fans" whom you will persuade to become clients. You can send out updates, news articles, special offers and promotions, and discount information to the entire list; Facebook affords you the ability to communicate instantly with a list of people who have already indicated that they are interested in your products.

Another way that you can advertise powerfully on Facebook is to buy an ad that is targeted toward a segment of the user base. Each one of these users has an enormous amount of information stored in their profiles. This information can be used to target them based on a selected keyword or filter. Using this method will assure you of reaching potential customers who are most likely to buy your product.

Word-of-mouth advertising has been brought into the digital age with Facebook's beacon tool. News feeds let users access each other's personal profiles and postings or comments. Facebook allows businesses the ability to report a user's actions with the business website and company to the user's friends. If a Facebook customer buys a product from you or engages in discussion regarding their satisfaction with your company, their interaction with you will be posted in the news feed which will automatically create a referral system for your business. It's word-of-mouth in cyberspace.

The first thing to consider as you plan your Facebook ad strategy is your goal. Are you going to advertise your product, expand the number of people who like your business page, inform the Facebook community of your business and what you do, or are you simply getting the attention of potential customers. As your goals become clearer, begin to decide on the type of ad you will create; there are three types from which you can choose.

Crafted ads target Facebook users by filtering demographic information such as age, location, and gender. These ads will be featured in the right hand column of Facebook pages. You can create sponsored stories which interact with a Facebook fan's page with the specific story. The ad will show up in the right hand column once the fan likes your particular post. You can also select promoted posts which are more visible in the posts on friends' pages and on their contacts' pages as well. One of the most powerful aspects of Facebook advertising is the customer loyalty that you will build. Create your own business Facebook page that will allow you to directly interact with your clients. This will give a more personal touch to your business and also will allow you to use word-of-mouth advertising that you generate from your Facebook ads to spread the word in a cost-effective way. Client satisfaction, customer service, and buyer protection are all tenets of a marketing strategy that will work nicely for you and your Facebook advertising campaign.

You can offer special promotions, new products, or the latest trends with your product with your Facebook ads to reach clients that are strategically targeted and already interested in your product or service. This will provide up-dated information to your clients and keep them better informed in a time-efficient way. Today's consumers on are the go with busy schedules and demanding deadlines. These ads will connect with them and solve their issues and concerns in a timely fashion.

Facebook ads are much more flexible than other internet locations. You will be offered additional character length for any ad descriptions that you might have. You can also improve your flexibility with image-based ads that attract the visual buyer. If someone participates in the Facebook community, then they are already proven to be a visually stimulated consumer. Use images and photos of high quality and that convey your message with the power of a thousand words. Your Facebook ads will be more visible to an audience who is there to engage in obtaining information as well as to create it themselves.

With the Facebook site itself generating such a high rate of traffic on a daily basis, your ad has a much better chance of being seen and having a positive effect. It will be seen a multitude of times by a targeted audience who is already comfortable shopping the online arena. Users visit the site many, many times a day and your ad will be there to greet them as they login and begin to participate.

You are also allowed with your Facebook ad to purchase space on a click-based or impression-based fee structure. Using your budget and personal preferences, you can tailor your ad campaign to meet the needs and goals of your business plan.

Because of the targeted nature of Facebook, advertising on Facebook can be affordable for you company. You can reach your targeted audience with your online campaign for a very reasonable price. The selection of packages that you can select is extensive so that you can reach as many users as your budget will allow you to.

The use of smart-phones has skyrocketed in recent years and your ability to reach this high volume of consumers is phenomenal. Access to these devices happens every second of every day and you can tap into this gold mine of prospects. Your ads won't just be limited to laptop and computer users; you will be expanding your potential client base.

You will be offered a choice between pay-per-click (CPC) or per 1,000 impressions (CPM). Studying your demographic clicks and responses will be an important first step. Begin by starting a campaign that includes everyone and then, after a set number of impressions, see who clicked on your ad and the responses that you received. After some study and careful insights, you can then rewrite the ad to appeal with that demographic audience in mind. You can then reset your campaign as a CPC method. Finely segment your ad to appeal to different age groups, or sexes, or relationship statuses. With this small touch, you will get more bang for your advertising buck. Continually test and modify your presentation to foster higher results with substantially lower costs.

With Facebook targeting, the natural skew is toward a younger than average audience that is female. Sometimes users mislead others by submitting incorrect data on profile pages. This will cause misrepresentation of data and some of your ads will be seen by users who are not interested by their very nature; you can only get a rough estimate of the people who might see your ad. When initially targeting your ad to an audience, you might begin with 10,000 people; 50% of them will log into Facebook and see your ad. By choosing this number, you will keep your costs under control and more efficiently modify it before you launch the ad to a larger audience. Carefully select connections of people you know who trust you and your business. This will give you a base circle of community with which to begin your advertising campaigns.

Another important thing to consider when you are creating your advertising strategy is to include additional languages other than English. Inexpensive translators can be hired on some of the work at home web locations to translate your copy for you. Many advertisers neglect this segment of the population and lose many dollars in profit for this lack of attention to detail. You can open up a new section of loyal clients with just a simple effort of reaching them in a language in which they feel comfortable purchasing.

Another powerful tenet of advertising on Facebook is the low risk involved in using this format. You will have full control of your advertising budget and it will be a good testing ground for your ad. You can learn if your message is effective in communicating to a potential buyer who you are, what you are offering, and how they can purchase your product quickly and safely. You are free to modify your message as needed and promote it to a better target. You can ascertain what works best with a particular demographic and how to reach them with your message. Especially if you have a fledgling business, you might want to use the high power, lost cost approach of a Facebook ad.

If you are striving to target your local audience, Facebook ads have been proved to be very effective. You can inform local and regional clients about your business and have the "friend" network assist you as well. Many local communities enjoy supporting local businesses that give back to civic groups and Facebook can get your ads to them quickly and efficiently. When you have a happy, satisfied customer, they can tell the seven people in their social circle and those seven people will tell seven of their closest friends and so the network will distribute the message about you and your product. Testimonials serve to peak the interest of clients ready to buy but who have just one more question. If someone has purchased your product already, they can attest to its quality and your excellent customer service. Facebook is being used in your area by all of the local people who are just waiting to be approached by your ad. The appeal of Facebook extends to everyday people; you don't have to be a computer genius to take advantage of this advertising power.

By promoting your Facebook business page through the ads you place on Facebook, you are guaranteed that the people you are targeting with your ads already have a Facebook account. You can be assured your ads are reaching the audiences most likely to buy from you and the communication vehicle is at your disposal 24/7.

One of the most powerful reasons of advertising on Facebook is the budget management that is available to you. Thousands of dollars of advertising fees are not required upfront. So, you don't have to have capital outlay at the onset of your advertising campaign. Your budget can be as low as $1 per day if that is the option that you choose to employ. Budgets can be changed daily or at any time and by any amount that you wish. The measure performance tools available on Facebook advertising allow you to see and test ad rotations and explore which are the most effective tools for you. After you run your first ad, try changing a combination of the ad's image, description, and title. You will measure the performance rate of your campaigns by viewing the click-through rate which is the percentage of clicks from the number of times it was viewed on Facebook. You will select the ad which shows the highest click-through rate for you.

In a world of social media, advertising can be an excellent way to reach customers. The users of Facebook are very active; they log on daily sometimes multiple times. It provides a way for you to reach customers with whom you might not have otherwise connected. They are going to find your ad on a social media sight more rapidly than they would your own blog or website.

The exposure you receive is a very lucrative benefit to advertising on Facebook. The more customers who are exposed to your product, the higher your profits can become. Facebook does an excellent job of allowing all advertisers a multitude of targeting options that include age, gender, interests, and relationship status. These targeting filters will strategically develop an audience who is primed and ready to buy. This is possibly the most beneficial tool of Facebook advertising.

In addition to an effective list of potential clients, you will have all of the benefits of instant results. In our fast-paced society of today, speed in purchasing is important. A client will spend approximately 90 seconds looking at your ad before moving on to something else. Quality images and representations of your product along with concise and clear descriptions are dynamic tools to capture the attention of the audience and cause the perusing to develop into purchasing. You can attract many new customers in a single day and the profits can rise along with those viewing your ads.

Before you even begin your advertising campaign, you must set your budget and stick to it. There are expensive options for you with Facebook advertising but you will have to operate within your budget to obtain the success you are seeking. Use a common sense approach with your newly acquired technological advertising to promote your company and profits.

In addition, a Facebook ad will provide you with a more personal platform of advertising. Research shows that consumers are more likely to trust your ad especially if they see a link to a Facebook friend. Your ad is placed in the right hand column and is a bit more engaging than an ad they see randomly on a search engine. Even in the world of internet marketing the handshake and confidence in a deal is important to make. By personalizing your Facebook ad, it's like extending your hand across cyberspace to reach out and seal the deal. This type of business advertisement will foster good business relationships that ensure repeat business.

In effective advertising, everything is a balance. You don't want to spend a lot of time reworking your ads if they aren't accurately targeting the audience you need to be targeting. Spend time tracking your progress and your effectiveness but don't forget to interact and connect with potential and current clients. Follow through with all of your strategies and the components of your plan to generate new customers and increase your profits. A Facebook ad campaign will be an effort that takes time and patience. Keep in mind that Facebook advertising is about developing relationships and connecting with consumers not just selling them a product immediately. This platform of marketing is still developing and using these advertisements effectively will take research, study, and modifications that better hone your ad for consumers to view.

Facebook has become a powerful tool in the advertising world. The expanse of active users coupled with the micro-targeting tools make this method of telling others about your product one that will reap dramatic rewards for your bottom line. You will boost sales and maximize profits at a cost-efficient way for your business. Your business will be given the opportunity to build, improve, and maintain client relationships which is a satisfying aspect of having your own business.

The clients with whom you connect will provide you with feedback, encouragement, and testimonials that can help you reach your goals and dreams as a successful entrepreneur. By using the proper demographic, copy, and image, you will see your Facebook ad come to life. Don't be afraid to try this new and unique method of advertising. It's a fun and interesting way to reach an enormous audience with a few simple guidelines that anyone can perform.

It's not rocket science but it can provide you with an astronomical income that makes your business the success you knew it could be.

The Power of Twitter Marketing

Modern technology has made our lives so advanced and prosperous that we find today we are almost incapable of living without it!

The world of marketing is now being influenced by the different platforms available on the internet to effectively reach consumers around the world.

Some of these online tools were not originally designed for marketing but have recently found a niche in that arena.

Opportunities are being introduced to entrepreneurs that they never dreamed of having at their fingertips.

One of these tools that was not designed for marketing but instead was a social network is Twitter.

Twitter is a large community of connected and interrelated people that are already internet savvy.

This is the perfect combination for promoting your business, your brand, or whatever goods and services that you have to offer.

Begin with making yourself a Twitter account and you're off to conquer the Twitter community!

First, you should develop a marketing plan that is complete with strategies and goals for your company.

You should include details on how you will present your company and the offers that you provide.

Good tactics should be employed that showcase your company in a positive light with a subtle approach.

If you are too aggressive, you will create negativity and the results will not be what you had planned or desired.

Provide reliable reasons that the client should buy your product and include any testimonials if possible.

A strong marketing plan will assist you in getting off on the right foot and reaping the rewards of higher sales and profits.

Getting the whole picture of the status of your business is important as you create marketing strategies that enable you to reach your goals.

Twitter offers many helpful tools that will assist you in tracking the traffic driven to your website, your followers, their tweets, and additional information that helps you to better plan your advertising campaign.

You can immediately learn how your business is rated, what your followers think about your business, and the level of your customer satisfaction.

With this plethora of information, you can modify and adjust your strategies.

Another powerful asset of Twitter is that you can interact directly with your customers.

This is important in business because it establishes a more personal touch with those clients.

Customers who are happy and satisfied will spread the word and provide you with the best and most affordable advertising known to man, word-of-mouth.

Customers want to buy online because of their tight schedules and demanding deadlines so if they can access your business on Twitter, they can have your business in the palm of their hand; this right where you want them!

Your traffic will expand by leaps and bounds and profits will increase exponentially. This is an on-going project that you will carefully be improving and implementing. Once you have your plan that is complete with strategies and goals you will want to begin to consider the audience you want to attract and how you will accomplish this. Good tactics will carry out and execute the strong plan that you have in place.

It is more effective to have your photo on your Twitter account.

This will give your business that personal touch and your clients won't feel as if they are talking to a corporation or unknown entity.

Also, carefully construct your Twitter bio; clients will read this to see who you are and what your business is about. Keep it clear, concise, and articulate.

By using a couple of other marketing tools, your Twitter account will work more smoothly for you.

Use and which allow you to update schedules and post your social media messages across social media browsers such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin all at the same time.

Hootsuite will allow you to schedule tweets ahead of time at no cost. Some days it might be difficult for you to have a presence on Twitter so this tool allows you to schedule out a tweet whenever you want to share an idea or you find a related link that you want to discuss.

These tools will also help you to organize your Twitter account and activity in a more efficient way and can help you to send out communications when you are working on some other aspect of your business.

To succeed in business on the internet, you must stay as informed and as current as possible.

You must keep up with the latest news, fads, and trends that occur sometimes on a very rapid basis.

Your basic marketing strategy with Twitter must be about interaction with customers.

A customer on Twitter expects to state his opinions and feedback as part of your advertising campaign. Twitter encourages this communication and the trust of your clients will be gained from this interaction.

This is one of the most powerful tenets of using Twitter marketing.

By following some simple steps, you can use Twitter as an efficient marketing tool for your business.

Follow like-minded people who are already interested in your product.

Millions of Twitter users are added each day and many of them have an issue which your product can solve.

It's of the utmost importance to connect with those people who would be interested in what you have to offer. Many users have a tendency to follow a person back from whom they've gotten a request to follow; you can cash in on this customer audience that is searching for your product.

Remember that Twitter is a social site; interesting conversation is the basis for participation.

You don't want to appear desperate; get customers engaged in lively conversations about what you have to offer.

Don't be so aggressive that you drive them away with a sales pitch.

You must be courteous, polite, and careful when trying to market your product to someone you don't know very well. Establishing a conversational relationship in the beginning will work much better than approaching followers with a high-pressure sales pitch that loses them immediately.

Online business is very similar to traditional business: nobody like a high-pressure salesman! Take your time and cultivate loyal customers who will tell their friends and spread a good positive message about your product.

You may not be able to use the proverbial handshake but a good solid comment about your product will be just as worthwhile.

Tweet often to your followers. Out of sight, out of mind is an adage that is very representative of Twitter.

Tweets have a short life and if you're not tweeting, the customers as not seeing you.

If you tweet often, your customers will know that your business is alive and well and that you are still offering the same quality product and services. Tweet at least once a day; research shows that less than 10% of Twitter followers go back to look at what was Tweeted yesterday.

If you aren't present on a regular basis, you'll lose their attention. Be a constant presence on Twitter.

Twitter's version of the viral marketing strategy is retweeting!

You will add tremendous value and promote ongoing conversations as retweets spread across Twitter. You will also attract thousands of new clients with retweets; your viral marketing campaign will be off and running.

This tidal wave of information and exposure will be a dynamic force in generating business and profits for your product. One of the most effective ways to get more retweets is to post tweets that discuss "how to" topics.

Everyone enjoys learning how to do projects and by sharing this type of information, you can develop a large retweeting campaign.

In this downturned economy, people are attempting do-it-yourself projects and you can provide the knowledge that they need to complete their work in a cost-efficient and timely way.

Be sure to include links to your website that can give additional information about the topic and any related product that you are offering.

This will increase your profits as you share the knowledge you have attained.

Research shows that conducting polls on Twitter where you offer some excellent prizes for the participants will drive traffic and business to your Twitter page. Everybody loves something that is free and you can attract large numbers of followers and their followers that will expand your potential customer base.

This is a simple idea that can work to build a list for you to use in other campaigns for your marketing strategies.

Another strategy to implement is that of linking all of your social networking accounts with Twitter.

With the user base accompanying all of these social sites, your marketing campaign will be more solid and effective in its approach.

You must leave no stone in cyberspace unturned.

With the amount of daily usage coupled with a constant connection to these social media sites with smart phones, your advertising dollars will reap rewards that you never dreamed were possible.

Your business will be open 24/7 in countries world-wide; the sun will never set on your thriving business.

Don't reinvent the wheel.

You can expand your knowledge of Twitter by reading success stories of others as you research the marketing possibilities with Twitter.

Learn different tips that assisted them as they began and what worked for them.

If it didn't work for them, mark it off of your to do list and move on to the next strategy.

Using the best practices of those who have gone before you makes your path easier and saves you valuable time and money.

Connect traditional marketing with your Twitter campaign.

You will need to inform every customer you have that you are now running a Twitter account.

Here they can find helpful information as well as any offers you extend to your customers.

Place your Twitter link on all business cards and on other traditional marketing tools.

This is a real-time method of keeping the customer updated on trends, products, and other helpful information.

The customer will view your business as cutting edge if you are using technology with which they are familiar to promote your business.

Once you become familiar with Twitter, participate in Twitter chats.

These are scheduled discussions that happen on a regular basis and are set up by a moderator. Each chat has a topic that is of interest to participants.

Sometimes a featured guest will appear to answer questions and contribute on a professional level to followers. A valuable transcript of the chat will be provided at the end of the session. Twitter chats will provide you with a perfect way to make new connections with people who have similar interests as you.

You can identify potential clients and connect with them as an authority on the topic; this will develop trust and confidence in you and the product which you offer to them.

You'll be noticed more by followers and expand your follower list which can generate more business. This definitely establishes the expertise that you have in this field.

Followers who engage in these regular chats are already highly involved in the particular niche. They can be a wealth of information and provide you with additional links, tips, and resources for your business.

This will provide a way for your potential customer to see a cyber face behind a product which will increase leads and contacts.

One of the largest opportunities that you will have on Twitter is to follow back.

You want users to follow you, but you can glean many customers from those users that YOU follow. If you don't follow someone back, it can send the message that you are on Twitter only for sales and promotions.

This is a selfish message that will not get positive results; you will build no loyalty with a one-sided following.

Following back is a potential signal of caring and consideration which should not be forgotten in the marketing plan.

Use the @mentions feature of Twitter that will help you to build stronger relationships and attract a more targeted audience's attention.

This tool directs the tweet to a specific user and operates as more of a one-on-one approach.

Your goal is not to sell them a product immediately; it is a call to action that engages them without the pressure associated with a sales pitch.

You are creating a relationship that can elicit a sale after the relationship is established.

With time and patience, these relationships will grow and they will be more likely to reply, retweet and engage with you.

Real business opportunities grow from real relationships; that is a powerful tool to keep in mind as you establish your Twitter marketing campaign

After engaging your audience on Twitter, you want to drive these users to your promotional or business website. As your users develop more trust and confidence in you, they will begin to explore who you are in the marketplace and what your product can do for them.

Post enticing ads with shortened URLs that will direct them to your webpage.

If your information is relevant to them and interesting, they will look further into your product.

Another feature of Twitter that you can use as a tool in your marketing toolbox is Tweet swaps.

This resembles ad swaps where you advertise on another person's list and they advertise on your list. Your Twitter followers are on your list to learn more about you, read about your discussions, and to keep updated with current trends in the niche they enjoy.

With Tweet swaps, you won't be making sales; you will just be developing ideas and driving traffic.

This will expand your exposure and can help you to build a loyal, long-term following that will make money for your business. With Tweet swaps, you can access another's followers and capture them with your ideas and deals.

Find a Twitter partner who has a similar niche as you.

Your marketing strategies should be close but not necessarily the same.

Don't just look for someone who has a massive list of followers; you want quality over quantity or the followers will be of no use to you. The best idea is to offer a free product to these followers instead of trying to sell them a product immediately. This tool is for generating leads and not promoting sales.

One of the most interesting ways to build up an extensive following on Twitter is to post questions on any topic but preferably one that you have a wealth of knowledge about.

You can provide answers to these questions in your discussions with your followers. This establishes you as an authority on the topic and it serves to build trust and reliability between you and your fans.

Starting dialog with others on a friendly but challenging topic will build a community of followers who listen to your tweets and respond with their own helpful ideas and thoughts.

This is a subtle way of promoting your product with the use of information that you have carefully gathered. Knowledge is power and you want the power of Twitter marketing to perform for you.

Although there is no right or wrong way to use Twitter in your marketing plan, you should abide by the unwritten rules that ensure you positive promotion and fabulous feedback as you interact with your followers.

Proper Twitter etiquette will go a long way in developing the loyal relationships that increase your sales and profit.

Develop a plan that includes the amount of time you will spend working on your Twitter account.

Many times it is easy to lose track of time and end up in the wee hours of the morning completing a discussion that you began with your followers.

Set an ample amount of time to publish your content and engage your followers on Twitter.

Adhere as close to your scheduled time as you can and make the most of any interaction in which you participate.

The rule of 80-20 in marketing applies in Twitter marketing as well as in traditional means of promotion. If you are constantly talking about yourself or promoting your product, no one will want to discuss topics with you.

You can include tweets about topics closely related to your business, offer helpful information that will improves the lives of others, and interesting discussions that include a variety of issues.

Offer diverse tweets as you interact with your followers; don't over promote yourself or your business.

A business relationship is a two way street just as in other relationships.

You have to show an interest in your client to gain their trust and confidence before they will purchase a product from you.

Cross promote the marketing initiatives that you are using with your Twitter account. Fully use every tool available to you on the web and integrate these so that they will work smoothly and efficiently for you.

Link your email and URLs with every tweet that you make so that it will be easier for a follower to contact you outside the Twitter community.

Be very careful with the content of your tweets.

If you're using your Twitter account as a marketing strategy, you want the public to see everything that you tweet.

You have no idea where these tweets will shared so avoid negativity or heated discussions.

Don't say anything on your Twitter account that you would not say in public.

Keep from becoming too personal or familiar with your clients so that no mixed message can be perceived.

Always keep your language professional, honorable, and respectful. Off-color jokes and innuendos are not acceptable.

Put the interest of others before your own interests.

Your Twitter marketing account is not all about you; it's an opportunity to build a quality relationship that will bring business and profits to your company in the future. Take time to listen to others, respect them and their ideas, and share content rather than forcing your views and ideas on them. Be interested and be cordial.

One of the rudest things you can do in your tweets is to use corporate terminology or jargon that people may not know or understand.

You don't want to appear arrogant with your audience interaction.

Don't use rhetoric that is industry-specific; that confuses your audience.

You have a brief time to capture their interest and attention; don't use words that they have to look up or ask you to define for them.

You don't want to appear as a corporate robot whose aim is to sell a product and move forward to the next client.

Try to speak successfully and with confidence as you interact with your potential customers.

Don't be condescending or patronizing toward them; they will not have a positive response to you and will move toward a more user-friendly person with whom to interact.

One of the most interesting marketing tools today is with Twitter.

It is a real-time stream of current trends, information, and interaction that can capture an audience quickly and move them to purchase the product that you are offering to them. With a solid plan and method of execution for your company, you can tap into the power of Twitter marketing immediately. As you plan your marketing strategy, include this cutting edge technology that is exploding in the marketplace today!

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How to Begin Editing Our Karma? [Part 16] Never Too Old - Never Too Late

Regardless of our age, gender, social status, IQ and emotional connections to others, need and creed, emotion and reason, combine into our very personalized Achilles heel.

Ex-Prime ministers and Presidents, music artists, impressive CEOs, actors, scientists, innovators, and athletes of international renown are notable examples of the enduring craving for love received via the cheering and the emotions of their supporters and fans. For them as for us, 'love' comes in the shape of rewards and seeming 'whole-hearted' responses from others.

Few are the cultural icons who choose to retire to a 'civilian' life while they still maintain a modicum of currency and credibility in their field. Of course, they, too, fear 'the future'. Thus, not many deliberately turn their back 'now' to lucrative key-note addresses, lectures and brand sponsorships. In truth, these luminaries are dependent on their reward dollars, no less than we are, to perpetuate the cycle of 'love' and appreciation that keeps their inner circle spinning around them. They need to please and appease, as we do, to be invited to appear and reappear in front of the masses. Besides, once one has felt such waves of admiration and respect a.k.a. waves of love, how grey and boring life would seem if the only focus were simply to be present in the 'now' moment to interact lovingly with children, partner, family, friends and neighbors in an unconditional manner that is actively accepting!

When one considers the billions of heart-related ailments that plague all strata of our society, one would be excused for thinking that we are in the middle of a massive pandemic dis-ease, and perhaps we are, if we understand that all disease infiltrates first, our energy field long before other symptoms are noticed.

We do understand that it is a cause that generates symptoms, but we are wrong to think that the cause is purely physical or emotional.

Serious question #1:what if the cause were generated in our energy field and what if the cause materialised out of a karmic imbalance due to a closed-hearted, self-centered response to the stressors of in our 'now, moment after moment over a period of years?

Serious question #2:what would happen if the millions of people employed to tend to our ailing hearts were to be phased out because of an en masse healthier approach to doing life?

Be that as it may, for now, it seems safe to say that our aching hearts do keep our western world economy from collapsing further.

Imagine if you can the ramifications of immensely shrinking the work load of local doctors, ubiquitous heart specialists and the armada of nurses? What about the plethora of hospital staff from the Registrars to cleaners, dry-cleaners and surgeons? And let's not forget the pharmaceutical industry that engineers billion-dollar revenues from the chemicals they produce as well as from the machinery they create to tend to our aching hearts? Oh, and let's not forget either the industries that look after us... at the moment of our 'untimely' death!

Tangentially, the twin juggernaut industries of Correctional Services and of Defense are on par with the oddly-named industry of Health when it comes to the most massive pillars of our economy.

Serious question #3:How would we fare psychologically within a biophilial culture in which all people shared a common bond through a love of humanity and nature as well as a respect for independence and freedom, as argued by Erich Fromm [1] if it meant an economy massively depressed by the obsolescence of

> the meat and dairy industries

> the Correctional Services that process criminality

> the manufacturing, processing and sales of weapons made legal by the pro-gun lobby

> weapons of mass destruction and drones, as generated used by the Armed forces and Homeland Defence?

Consider for a moment the genuine armadas of personnel needed to maintain the relative degree of safety/security demanded by the criminality potential in any of our developed countries. Let's start by considering the thousands and thousands of staff involved in prevention, guidance and rehabilitation. Next, let's consider the number of police personnel, judges, prison officers, secretaries, ancillary staff and all manner of security guards and electronic security. Let's not forget the purchase of these employees' vehicles and their maintenance. Let's not forget either the staff involved in the maintenance of all of the buildings and infrastructures that prop up this industry. And what about the bureaucrats who look after all these employees' salaries, insurances and retirement funds?

It is a truly odd thing to say that 'crime doesn't pay' because, clearly, it pays the salaries of millions of people in each of our countries and these millions of workers contribute to the survival of other sectors of our economy. The same job-diversity inventory-type of reflection can be applied to the hundreds of industries and the millions of staff that 'live off' the Armed Forces and Homeland Defence.

When it comes to these four industries, peace on earth, safety in our streets, love in our homes, love and peace in our hearts, even towards the cows and their calves, the sheep and their lambs, would surely trigger world-wide chaos - a prize far too exorbitant to pay for harmony within communities across the globe.

It is thus not surprising that the ones who do have the power to 'flick the switch', the handful of family dynasties who rule our world, overseeing our key-leaders, prefer to let sleeping dogs lie. It's so much easier for all to maintain the status quo by quietly chocking certain areas of alternative progress which would eventually lead to... true progress! And tacitly, we do agree with them, don't we?

Fence-sitting is not always an enduring option.

Back to topic, the clear and deadly by-product of the general mismanagement of our affairs on just about every level is the love starvation that manifests itself in the ever-present need, the desire, the unavowed craving for praise in one form or another. It is from this insatiable hunger that stems the anxiety that plagues populations world-wide. It is from this anxiety that we breed our cancers as readily as we breed depression, as readily as we become dependent on food, alcohol, drugs - as readily as we project ourselves as... victims.

Serious questions: how is that that we are still planning the *future* though, any one of us past our formative years, has already spent the best part of our life planning that future? Isn't it true that in introspective moments, whether ours is a good life or a challenging one, most of us look at our current circumstances wondering How did my life turn out the way it has?

Looking at the overwhelming evidence, should we go on proudly claiming that we have total control over a life that, on the whole, yields as much contentment as an olive yields juice? So very little!

Serious questions:how can anyone assume we are the masters of our destiny when we belong to a species who can no more suspend breath than initiate it of our own evolution; when we are miserable the moment we get the sniffles, a toothache or a paper cut on the edge of a little finger; when our dog dies; when we can no more control our sleeping patterns than stop our eyes from blinking; when we change our mind according to our mood and when our pulse quickens at the sight of an object of desire planted in our brain by media hype, be it a car, a pair of sneakers, a designer label computer, a painting or another human being classified INACCESSIBLE; when we only know what we 'think' we want without having the faintest idea of how, in the fullness of time, any of these wants will eventually boomerang back to us? Like our teenagers who refuse to budge away from undesirable patterns of behaviour, don't we already have enough evidence that, for most of us, doing life our way is not the way to achieve what we are so desperate to achieve?

Eyes open wide: can we possibly exert a clear-minded control over the endless string of our 'now' moments, as long as we are constantly much more preoccupied by our appearance, our possessions or lack of, and by how others perceive us than by true origins of our thoughts? Than by the content of our thoughts? Than by the results of our thoughts?

We only become care-less in regards to others' perceptions of ourselves once we find ourselves at two opposite ends of the spectrum of inner balance when:

1. we are 'in' love and exhibiting narcissistic emotions

2. we are in a state of depression and exhibiting sado-masochistic tendencies.

Ironically, it is while positioned anywhere in between these two poles on the continuum of emotions that we either tackle irritating, disappointing 'now' moments as pests that must not be allowed to multiply or as if the Oracle had signalled the incipient, shadowy encroachment of death. Even if it were the latter, it can still be argued that one has responsibility to one's self to choose in which state one prefers to leave one's body.

Option #1:in a state of sour, anxious, fearful detachment due to a disappointing lifetime spent alternating between wetting our toes, wading knee-dip or immersing ourselves in a shifting sea of greed, lust, sloth, pride envy and anger.

Option #2:in a more serene state due to a lifetime spent alternating between wetting our toes, wading knee-dip or immersing ourselves in a softer sea of sharing, of purpose-centred diligence, ego-training, of humility, of patience and generosity of spirit.

Serious question:what have we got to lose once we understand that there are no membership fees to pay for this training of our inner self, that there is not a single thing that needs to be bought, no special clothes, no books, no crystals or statues, that the rethinking or our thinking can be done anywhere, any time.

Any timemeans any time a thought of fear or insecurity creeps in; any time a thought of Me first and to hell with her/him/them is attempting to overpower us; any time a thought of Fun now! Consequences later is pushing us towards recklessness; any time a thought of separation or dislike of someone; any time we're itching to take sides and gossip; any time the urge comes to 'touch', to manipulate, to sway in whichever manner a situation in our favour or to make it go away - any time is karmic time to control what pops into our ego in the moment - 'now'.

Why?Because each of these recurring irritants and each of our crises are but a part of the constellation of impacts karmically intended to force us to switch off our automatic pilot and attune our consciousness to our inner self.

Honest question:isn't it more empowering to think along those lines than to think that life is random and unfair and that basically some of us have a lot more bad luck than others?

State of things:although, as adults, we usually know right from wrong, we, humans, are prone to actions that go against our better judgment. If we know what is best for us, then why don't we get on with it? This conundrum known as Akrasia brought Socrates and Aristotle to loggerheads.

To this day, no amount of plumbing the depth of our psyche has revealed to contemporary philosophers the real cause of our 'natural' ambivalence between emotion and reason. If we understood the Law of Karma better, we might simply concede that human error, tragedies and apparent non-sequiturs of reasoning stem from a blend of divine/cosmic and human interventions, If we did truly understand this, then, we would, perhaps, give up trying to isolate the 'real cause' of this karma-generating natural human ambivalence.

Here is a fun last minute thought: one funky way to eventually reduce the population explosion on our planet would be for more and more of us to amend karma better and faster in each consecutive lifetime.


1. Fromm, Erich On Being Human London: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, 1997, p. 101

NB: Long story made short, though, clearly, it is Soul's energy that keeps us alive [not any sort of medical intervention or degree of fitness] until our karmic time is up and not one second longer, I imagine that she has, in all likelihood, given up on us a long, long time ago. Or she would have, if she were not pure energy.

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FYI, I am not selling anything; no workshops; no massages; no seminars; no retreats; no crystals and no books on the Law of Attraction. There is nothing here, there or anywhere that I have written on the topic of Spiritual Philosophy that can be bought, but there is plenty that can/should be/ought to be practiced - daily:)

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How Do Multinationals Avoid Tax and How They Can Be Stopped

Recently newspapers and broadcasters have become very keen on investigating and exposing tax practices of multinationals, but this is nothing new. The practice of minimising tax liabilities has been going on for decades. We hear explanations with multinationals citing contributions via employment tax (National Insurance in the UK) and VAT. This is a lame excuse dreamt up in the Multinationals PR departments which indicates the level of desperation at Multinationals HQs and their desire to limit the damage to their brands. Governments have been complicit in this and are being caught out by the speed and ferocity of the public response.

This article aims to clarify and add an insight into these practices. Additionally, in my view, these practices not only deprive governments of tax revenues but are fundamentally distorting the principal of free market and threaten local manufacturer, suppliers, and jobs. In simple terms, if you are a local supplier that only operates in one country, then your multinational competitors have an unfair competitive advantage. They can transfer their taxable revenues (profits) to a third country, enjoying higher operating profits than their local competitors. Multinationals can use this additional margin to cut prices to a level where local competition can no longer compete effectively, putting local companies out of business (Starbucks strategy). Alternatively, they can retain this margin to make hyper-profit on their goods and services, enabling them to invest more in marketing and R&D (Apple, Amazon & Google strategy). This fundamentally undermines the mechanics of free market, does away with the concept of a level playing field, costing local jobs, and depriving host governments of tax revenues. Given that a large proportion of most governments' tax receipts derive from corporation tax, when a government has shortfall of tax receipts it will be forced to impose higher taxes on its citizens, which means you and me. These practices are morally and fiscally unacceptable.

Before we go any further, let me explain that I am not an accountant but spent nearly two decades working for multinationals with a large part of my time being responsible for "Pricing" and "Margin Management"! This insight can help demystify the practices and methods deployed by Multinationals as well as suggesting practical ways that these practices can be stopped. With the exception of the section on what government should do, the content of this article will not be a surprise to any CFO, Accountant or Tax Planning Professionals. The basic philosophy of margin streamlining and the mechanics used may surprise some readers who are not familiar with corporate taxation. My suggested ways to stop these practices will appear surprisingly simple to readers but horrifyingly effective to CFO of any Multinational. I shall leave the accounting part of this debate to the professional accountants and tax experts.

So how do Multinationals manipulate costs and pricing?

In this case semantics are incredibly important, it is critical that we understand and discuss the issues with a common language for reference points. Multinationals, lawyers and politicians are adept in misusing semantics to confuse the public and push their own agendas. In order to avoid misunderstandings and to comprehend tax avoidance practices it is necessary to use simple language and explain the semantics used.

Creative Transfer Price

To get a clear picture of the web of confusion created by the Multinationals and their tax experts, we simply need to follow the money! Following the Margin Chain as well as the Supply Chain are the two best ways of discovering what is really going on, and the only means to backward-engineer prices to arrive at the real Cost of Goods (COGS) and profits made.

Cost of Goods (COGS) is very tricky as it is used to mean many things but within the Multinational operations it very rarely means the real costs. Cost of goods can include allocation and arbitrary costs loaded into the system which makes costs appear higher than they really are.

For manufactured goods to get to the true COGS, it is necessary to establish the Bill of Materials (BOM). This is actually very easy to do even if you are not an insider. There are companies and experts that can take a product apart and give you a fairly accurate view of the costs. For example, COGS and the margins of Microsoft's Surface device were calculated by experts using this method within 5 days of its public launch! Manufacturers do this to their competitors all the time, so why the tax authorities have not bothered with this method defies comprehension.

From this base line you can easily calculate the absolute margin, providing the real profitability of the goods. Notice I have said "Profitability of the Goods" and not the company. Companies have varying levels of costs, but in general you can easily calculate their operational profitably from their financial filing with the authorities. Of course this is where the fun starts with Multinationals.

In principal Multinationals work on "Loaded Costs" rather than the real costs. Loaded costs are where a range of arbitrary internal costs are loaded into the real COGS. These are usually hidden under "Allocations" and "Transfer Costs".

How Subsidiaries can help mask profits

For Allocations and the Transfer model to work properly, Multinationals have to create subsidiaries in each country of commercial activity. These organisations are purely sales organisations with no administrative, manufacturing or other value-added functions. In theory, they are there solely to sell their products or services in the local market. This appears to make perfect sense both operationally, and to the consumers as they feel the company is making a commitment to the local consumers. Usually any announcement of opening a new operation in a country by a Multinational, is hailed by the government concerned as proof that their policy to attract investment is working. This in reality is just a side show; as you can serve your customers equally well by using reputable local Distributors who can support your products locally.

The reasons for setting up sales subsidiaries in individual countries are many but the tax upside makes this a compelling and irresistible proposition.

Firstly, the multinational can set transfer prices between the HQ and the subsidiary under the "Loaded Cost" principal. This means the company can overcharge the subsidiary, therefore ensuring that it will never make a profit in the country of consumption or host country. In fact, the more hand-over between subsidiaries the better, helping to create a web-of-deceit which no tax authority can break through.

Secondly, by running own operations, Multinationals retain the margin they would have been sharing with a Distributor, which more than compensates for the additional operational costs they incur in a direct distribution model. Typically Distributors demand margins between 15% to 30%. A well-run operation combined with smart "Transfer Pricing" will make it less costly than using Distributors, who need to cover their operational costs, as well as make a profit on the sales of the goods. The producer only needs to cover its operational costs in the host country, as it has plenty of "Margin/Profits" upstream. Also retaining total control of the margin chain enables multinationals to repatriate profits to the lower taxed countries.

Take the case of Apple in the UK (or any other European country), where it sells all its products through a myriad of channels including retailers such as Curry's, PC World, John Lewis, etc. as well as from 100s of web outlets. Then Apple opened up its own shops, competing with its own channel (a sin in an indirect sales model), and follows on to declare virtually no profit from its retail operation. If a company doesn't make any money, why on earth would it get involved in the retailing of its products? Why not invest and support Apple's channel to help them sell more? Why not educate & train Apple's channel so that they can support Apples products more effectively? Apple does it because they are managing their transfer pricing and allocations effectively, so that they can show a loss locally even when they are making massive profits upstream.

Finally, and rather ironically, multinationals charge Corporate Taxation on their subsidiaries. This is also known as "Fully Loaded Cost" or "Fully Allocated Cost" and is supposed to include general costs such as R&D, IT systems, HR, Legal Services, Marketing Services, Distribution Costs, etc., which allegedly shares the costs of centrally supplied or supported services amongst the subsidiaries.

Take Amazon for example, as per evidence given to the UK's MP Select Committee. Amazon sales are handled through a Luxembourg Subsidiary, whilst the UK Company acts as a Service Provider to handle warehousing, shipping and other aspects of the operations for all European sales! This is clever cross-charging and re-cross-charging of the same sales $. So Amazon sells a product from its subsidiary to another, then another subsidiary charges the original subsidiary to deliver and service it. These multi-level transactions will suck the paper profits dry, so Amazon ends up paying zero taxes in the country that consumes the product, and then declares all its profits in the country with the lowest tax rate in this case Luxembourg. This is modern day piracy.

Another example is Google, with 700 Sales personnel in the UK, who sell advertising in the UK to UK companies targeting UK consumers. However, the sales are processed at Google's sales operations in Ireland, so that the revenue is actually booked in Ireland rather than the UK. The corporate tax saving is over 16% just in this one cross-transaction level, and before consideration of loaded costs with allocations and so called corporate internal taxes. Google admits that until as recently as 2012 it also charged the Irish subsidiary "Service Charges" via their Dutch subsidiary in order to reduce their Irish tax liabilities further.

Acquisition or just clever tax planning?

Now if the Multinational is really clever, instead of setting up a new company in a country, they will acquire a company. Why? I hear you ask! Well this is even a better scheme than above, because now they can charge their subsidiary for the cost of acquisition over a 10 year period receiving handsome tax relief to boot! When "Investment Incentive" was put in place by the government, it did not intend it to be used as a means of tax avoidance. Under the current system, if a Multinational spends $100m in acquiring a company, it can then set aside $10m per annum tax write-down as "Acquisition Write-Off" over a 10 year period! So now, the acquired company is in fact paying for its own acquisition through its own revenues and profits, whilst the tax payers in the host country are subsidising the acquisition with tax write offs. This is just a tax Punzi scheme.

Let me illustrate this with an example. Let us say we are "Widgets R Us" the leading manufacturer of "Widgets" in the world. Being a multinational "Widget R Us" have factories in Taiwan or China where they can minimise the cost of manufacturing by an average of 30%. The COGS of the "Widget" is $100 with the loaded cost of $130. The Widget is sold at retail price $260 (Don't be shocked this is a very modest mark up -check on your Smartphones' real margins, and you will have a heart attack!). Transfer this to your local subsidiary at $200, your subsidiary now only has $60 to pay for all its overheads and operational costs. The chances of the subsidiary making a profit is pretty low, but if they do get near making any profits you whack them with "Allocations" and/or charge them 10% corporate tax (in this example $26 per unit off the bottom line). So now your subsidiary only has $34 of margin or 13%. If you have acquisition costs you can load them up on the accounts too, which means your subsidiary now makes about 1cent on every $260 of sales! Good luck taxing that one.

A local competitor who has been naïve enough to keep its manufacturing and operations onshore has no way of creating an internal transfer market. Local companies not only have to compete with lower manufacturing costs, but also have to compete against the Multinationals profit repatriation programme. So if anyone is wondering why there is practically no manufacturing left in our country, do not blame the Chinese or other low labour cost countries. The real blame lies in the taxation system and Government (of all flavours) allowing this kind of "Gaming-of-the-System" to go on for nearly 40 years. It is the tax system that is bankrupting local manufacturers or suppliers and not cheap labour abroad. Manufacturing or production cost differential can be matched by efficiency, just look at Nissan, Jaguar, and Land Rover in the UK, despite one of the highest wage levels in the international car industry. No amount of efficiency locally can help you win against creative tax planning by Multinationals, unless of course you are a Multinational yourself.

How to stop the Multinationals gaming the system?

The answer is very simple, namely break the chain. Taxation should be paid at the country of consumption and based on benchmark costs. Tax authorities should benchmark COGS (in case of service industry cost-of-service-delivery) which is not that difficult. Tax authorities can then impose taxation based on estimated true costs of goods, irrespective of the declared margin or local subsidiary P&L. As reported by the BBC on 12 November 2012, using this exact method the French tax authority has presented Amazon a tax demand of over €200m.

In order to cut off the acquisition write-off practice tax authorities need to firstly distinguish between "Acquisition" and "Investment in new operations". Once this distinction is made within the tax system, acquisition tax write-offs can then be rejected by the host country tax authority. This will force multinationals to claim tax write-off in their home country, under usual business expenses and costs. This means any cost of acquisition has to be written off in the country where the HQ of the Multinational resides, and not be subsidised by the host country's tax payers. This will not penalise genuine investors with genuine intentions, but will stop acquisitions that end up being subsidised by the tax payer. This will also become a disincentive for some of the more controversial acquisitions such as the acquisition of Cadburys by Nestles.

These two simple actions do not require international agreements, consensus, or long drawn out negotiations. Countries can unilaterally put these actions in place, including those within the EU, without contravening free movement principals within the Maastricht Treaty.

There is also no need to worry about these companies exiting your market, as we all know they are not stupid. Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, or Google will not leave the UK or any other major European market just because we called time on their creative pricing and tax management. It just needs political will and positive consumer action such as local boycotting. There are plenty of locally owned coffee shops, even if you prefer swanky chain outlets with undrinkable coffee, other Smartphone manufacturers, or even alternative search engines. We just have to break the habit and put our country first rather than paying lip service to patriotism.

Ali Zartash-Lloyd is Managing Partner at Cognisant Associates ( ) a business consulting partnership. He is a management graduate from the University of Leicester and was European Director for major US and Korean multi-nationals for over a decade. Cognisant Associates helps businesses grow profitably and create value ethically.

Cybercriminals - Cowardly Thugs Hiding Behind Computer Screens

Some criminals attempt to "justify" their thieving propensities by suggesting they don't take large valued merchandise, or they do it to "test" another's cyber system. The inference of course is that they are somehow harmless. Criminals typically seek to ruse their law enforcement detractors, or any other person who questions what they do. They rationalize their thefts are non-violent and confined to smaller amounts of dollar losses, for which the items are easily replaced. Their matter-of-fact justifications don't justify the unlawful taking of someone else's personal or business property. They're still criminals none the less and a breach of security means a contravention of the criminal laws.

For the net hoodlum operating in cyber space, their thinking plays an interesting con game, which they later rationalize and excuse as some "noble cause". Bottom-line though, they're criminals like their non-virtual counterparts. When caught, they invent all kinds of excuses and whine about their "victimization". One wonders, when they sit there all day in front of their computers, what part of their anatomy are they really playing with most of the time? Some of these thieves try to scheme us with creative criminality, like "ransomware", email schemes, credit card scams and other intrusive losses. The list of types of attacks is endless, as is the maliciousness behind the various illicit efforts for unmerited personal gain. Criminals no matter where they operate do so in a self-indulgent passion to misuse and abuse others for private purposes.

As always, one of our critical concerns is the injury, the loss and damages, caused to others as a result of internet criminality. Make no mistake, criminals choose to commit crimes of their own free will for the sake of getting something they didn't earn or deserve. Make no mistake criminals dislike the responsible nature in others. Electronic breaches of the law are not unlike similar malevolent premeditated street-level crimes, in terms the psycho-dynamics. Some cyber criminals pose a danger to our banks accounts, while others risk the collapse of our economic system. And still others endanger our national security. In the amative stimulation for power and control, criminals will use any means. Like bank robbers or assailants on the street, cyber villains should receive the same levels of punishment. And, their conviction and subsequent sentencing should be sure, swift and certain and for long periods of time.

Criminals freely choose their particular criminogenic instigations. Of which, Cyber-crime involves billions of dollar losses every year to a global community. According to one source, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), under the auspices of the FBI, in 2007, the agency received nearly a quarter million complaints regarding internet crimes. This likely has increased to more significant levels of late, and represents the tip of the proverbial cyber-criminal iceberg. No doubt a wealth of information flowing through the internet signifies targets of opportunities for criminals.

Naturally, what we often forget is that there is a difference between reported criminality and actual criminality, or otherwise known as the "dark figure of crime". There's a sizeable portion of criminal activity that goes unreported and therefore not investigated. Investigatively, law enforcement endeavors to respond efficiently as possible, given the resources available. And yet, the nature of virtual crime is complex, with such diverse challenges, as email and texting scams, business and banking intrusions, to commercial fraud, money laundering and market manipulations.

Electronic thievery, organized crime and terrorism, as well as other associated criminalities, present unique demands for law enforcement. However, valiant efforts continue, and the law enforcement, intelligence communities and private security forces remain undaunted in dedicated persistence. That's part of the key to an effective investigation, methodical tenacious due diligence in application of effective resources. To rigorously search for every possible clue, cluster and clamor of activity, the investigative process must implement creative and proactive tactics.

Investigators gather the facts and analyze the evidence, apply rationality and reason, as well as ensure the critical implementations of forensic applications. Competent expertise is essential in the utilization of logical deductions. If in doubt as to how to proceed, where to go or what to look for, then efforts utilize those who have the know-how in this particular realm. The hunt for the thugs and terrorists who hide behind a computer screen is never ending. Sinister, wicked and malevolent, with malice aforethought, the "evil" cybercriminals fester adversely affects us all. Countermeasures have to be consistently applied, updated and reinforced. Vigilance has to be tirelessly maintained. You never know when they might strike. An individual, a group or other criminal enterprises, stay relentless in illegitimate pursuits at the expense of others.

To this end, from an investigative standpoint, such activities are still basically crimes against people, places, and properties. So, in a sense, we're still dealing with the fundamentals of a criminal investigation. None the less, the criminal has taken his, her or their activities into an electronic neighborhood. Within this virtual world, the criminal can inflict horrendous damages to the selected objective.

To deal with such criminals, it is incumbent upon professional law enforcement agencies at all levels, as well as private commercial entities, to invest all available resources where possible, in a "cyber unit". Special expertise is required within the virtual world of electronic anonymity. Upon development of a "cyber squad", the next step involves the assignment of qualified staffing. The basics in organizational structure and design remain similar to other managerial frameworks.

That is, you need to plan, organize, budget, development and staff accordingly to fit the needs of the organizational environment. Expert support services should be lined up to assist the investigative team where ever necessary. For which, investigative personnel must either have the technical and tactical expertise, or strive to learn and acquire the essential fundamentals through appropriate educational training resources. Investigators must be determined to ferret out the criminal by enhancing their skills.

Within the scope of "white collar" criminality, organized crime, and particularly those criminals within an electronic landscape, investigating Cybercrime may not seem as glamorous as other investigative processes. Frequently, we forget the impact of commercial crimes (e.g. embezzlement, fraud, identity theft, internet schemes, etc) is ten to twenty times greater than the usual street crimes. For instance, murder, rape, and robbery investigations (i.e. Part I Index Crime of the U.C.R.), while vitally urgent to resolve, tend to be more sensationalized by the various media. More so, than say hacking into the local bank, or stealing someone's credit card information.

Typically, the new investigator will be searching for action, adventure and excitement. Television and the movies have done much to fuel illusions, misconceptions and less than obvious deceptions about certain types of criminal investigations. Comically, we know that a major crime has to be solved within the telecast of an hour's worth of viewing. In the real world however, we recognize it doesn't happen like that. If you think otherwise, good luck and try to forget television portrayals projecting creative crime fiction.

That's why the right personnel must be selected to fit within the scope of the unique challenges confronted by an ever expanding cyber world. Some investigations may take extraordinary amounts of time and resources to culminate solvability. Effective investigators must assert a high degree of patience and persistence. It might not be too untypical that such cases might require a couple of year's commitment.

From an investigative perspective, you'll want quality over quantity, facts instead of fiction and dedication to critical thinking skills. Dealing with a criminological problem necessitates the insistence upon avoiding fallacies of inference for the sake of subjective validation. Without a doubt, people do this every day. They allow emotions, feelings and reactivity to cloud the deduction reasoning aspects of problem-solving. Even though, we're affected by our emotional influences, an astute investigator learns to balance between the two. Nothing is foolproof except the fool who proves you wrong.

All too often, based on a superficial assessment of a crime problem, we falter to the slant of hasty generalizations about people, places and property. In short, we must bear in mind people commit crimes because that's what they want to do. To the extent possible, we try to steer clear of logical fallacies. While this is not likely in an absolute sense, we strive to test and evaluate our inclinations toward cognitive bias. This of course suggests applying rigorous mental aptitude outside the proverbial box of toxic thinking.

No one is immune from biased pursuits to support investigative actions. But, in the overall process, it's important to ensure a strong devotion to professional training and ongoing development of experience. During the course of an investigation, we want to look into every nook and cranny and leave no stone unturned. In support of relentless acts of discovery, one considers his or her perception of the facts versus the absence of facts. Three points are relevant. One is how do you know a certain crime has occurred? Another is how do you prove it based on what is known?

And, for a third possibility, is your theory of the crime valid? So, in short, how do you know and what do you mean serve to substantiate the necessity for evidentiary criteria. For the investigator, researcher or other practitioner, certain attributes are worth emphasizing. These include: self-discipline in thinking processes, lawful means to reveal the facts, bias control, efficient documentation, proficient capabilities and thorough utilization of forensic applications. Networking with others remains essential.

By use of various techniques and tactics, the more skillful investigator is creative, adaptive and inventive. That's because productive investigations do not fit a simplistic template of trouble-free functionality, or "profiling" like on TV. One must focus and direct the scope and extent to which the investigative process develops. You consider how to determine the nature of the criminality under inquiry, like statutory authority of the investigation, appropriate jurisdiction, and lawful provisions.

As such, you also consider the issues as applied to the specific incidence, such as identity theft, email threat, electronic commerce, fraudulent activity, offenses against electronic properties, and sexual harassment or cyber stalking. Critical concepts to preliminarily assembling an investigative process necessitate an assessment of expertise needed to address digital evidence criticality and "crime scene" procedures.

When dealing with digital evidence, proper levels of Cybercrime capabilities must be used, along with unique needs regarding seizure, analysis, storage, retrieval and transfer of evidentiary artifacts. Additionally, the investigator has to appreciate there must be thorough documentation, preservation and otherwise protect investigative processes for lawful review by competent authorities. Overall, we must satisfy the fundamentals, as suggested by the basics of who, what, where, when, why and how.

Within the framework of the inquiry, efforts are directed to ensure proper legality in proven methodology, forensic processes and specialized expertise for all digital evidence collection, analysis and security. Investigative processes strive for the ongoing safeguards of logical deduction. This applies equally to the efforts directed toward locating and identifying, if possible, all suspected criminal participants. But, it doesn't stop there; as such persistence also includes unmasking any and all collaborators.

Three key points in the overall perspective can be offered as reveal the perpetrators, restore and recover properties and services, and resolve the criminality of the incident. Expedient proactive well-planned efforts in apprehension, collection of evidence and prosecution of offenders helps reduce opportunities for misadventure. In addition, promotion of professional interaction among key investigative resources, such as people, places and properties, further enhance preventive countermeasures.

As to the latter issue, an investigator, whether corporate or public agency, ought to realize that criminality is selfishly motivated, highly personal, ego-centric and willfully premeditated. Criminals know exactly what they are doing. Criminal nature comes in all sizes, shapes and socio-economic backgrounds and pay grades. Criminal behavior, even in cyberspace, is a rational choice and for the sake of self-gratification for personal gain. Aside from many sociological theories of a deterministic nature, you are dealing with people who want to commit criminal activity for their particular proclivities.

With a self-centered focus and disdain of others, if given the opportunity in the work place, computer users can easily decide to become computer abusers. By doing so, they become a problem for the business, the organization or the government. From their lifestyle patterns, in the choices they have made, people who choose to commit crimes against their employers, the government, other people's employers or any entity in particular. They are acting out their brand of salaciously devious behavior.

Their individual perspective is one of risk taking in order to achieve immediate satiation for the anticipated gain. This action comes at the expense of others. Unlike those who choose not to commit e-crimes, the computer criminal does so without wanting to perform the legitimate commitment to do the work necessary to acquire the same objective by lawful means. For the e-criminal, "business" activity means getting away with something, faking a "cause", or conjuring all kinds of excuses. In contrast to those around him or her, working lawfully for commensurate compensation is not as exciting as taking it without having to wait for it. No matter the pretext, they're still criminals.

As mentioned earlier, criminals will use anyone to ensure their illegitimate successes. They can be anyone, from colleagues to vendors and so on. Criminality knows no boundaries or respects any institution. How often have your heard, "that person didn't seem the type". There is no perfect so called "profile" of the typical criminal. In fact, from a security standpoint, you should be concerned with monitoring everyone's activity. We can't overlook the essential protection necessary within any setting. Security of computer systems and networks is crucial if not critical and vital. A criminal today can operate secretly in cyberspace, a cowardly thug behind a computer screen.

This Foolish and Destructive Obsession with Growth: Lessons from the Roman Empire (and Others)

Despite a litany of corporate failures there remains an obsession with growth driven by shareholder value which when you cut through the jargon actually means greed. In many ways the greed of shareholders is eclipsed by the greed of executive directors who communicate publically that their aim is to grow the business for the good of all concerned on the premise that growing the business is good. Yet, as we have learned and experience regularly, executive directors are often more interested in growing their own wealth base and achieving this very quickly. The old Japanese style business model which set out 1,000 year plans have been replaced with 'here and now' planning. In the UK the Thatcher years replaced traditional five year planning cycles with twelve month planning cycles. Within ten years this became a three month planning cycle; today it is almost hourly.

Generic expansion having proven to be a slow process, modern expansion strategy is fuelled by takeovers. Takeovers allow a company to grow both revenue and profits instantly giving the impression of good management. Inevitably the underlying problems of combining disparate businesses into one come to surface but by this time those who have been rewarded for stellar growth have moved on; or retired to their place in the sun; or have been locked up - but not without significant pay-offs. The staff and management of businesses taken over have little in common with their takeover masters and as a consequence of losing out on real senior management power bide their time for revenge.

The obsession with business expansion is often explained by the maxim 'if you're not growing, you're declining'. Business schools back this up by charting the typical life cycle of products and businesses, suggesting that merger and takeover activity will lengthen the upward curve. However within a very short time-scale the absorbed profits of the newly acquired enterprise become history, and the new financial year is replaced with the dawning reality of increased costs of running an increased business. Head office becomes monolithic and tensions between those at the front end and those cosseted by a lack of customer exposure increase dramatically.

Sometimes the takeover gravy train comes off the rails as either availability of takeover targets dry up or the amount of money needed to fund them reaches such a colossal level that it is seen as financial suicide to continue. Sometimes the aphrodisiac effect of these immense deals become so potent that they go ahead anyway but soon after the whole thing unravels and both the target and the predator collapse. In some situations, expansion is fuelled by partnerships and franchise arrangements. However these take far longer than quick conquest and involve patience, hard work, and recognition that profit has to be shared for this to work and sharing is not something which is common in the recent corporate world. Yes, the sound bites may say 'we're all in this together' but when it comes to financial reward that's not the case.

It does not take a genius to work out that if I am working as hard as I can, but I am being paid a fraction of my bosses who appear not to care whether I turn up at work or not, my motivation will be low. Not just that, I learn to agree with everything and say yes to everything, and play the part of a loyal and committed worker, but I also learn that the most important person to look out for is myself. This is after all what I learn from my leaders.

At higher levels in many organisations motivation is extremely high, but often not in the way that leaders hope. The game in head office is to expand personal empires to the detriment of peers. More staff, bigger offices and larger budgets become the trappings of success. Energy is expended on beating internal rather than external competition. It is often the case that when senior executives retire they are ill-prepared for life in the real world, as the only plotting they become involved in is who gets stuck with putting out the recycle bins on Thursdays.

The focus on short-term profitability and growth allows executive directors to amass fortunes in bonuses and shareholding undreamt of in the more austere approach of the past. The long haul is rejected in favour of the 'I deserve this now'. Whilst there are only twenty four hours in any day whether you're the chairman or the janitor, the disparity between the value of those twenty four hours for those at the top and those at the bottom of the organisation becomes so glaring that it creates fractures across the whole organisation; some obvious, most hidden. It's easy to see your enemy if they come out in the open, but the latter part of the twentieth century and the early part of the twenty first century clearly demonstrates that if you have fewer resources than the ruling class, coming out in the open is not a good idea. Which is why guerrilla warfare is the most difficult to tackle.

As with Emperors, Dictators, and Prime Ministers, senior management eventually begins to believe they are infallible and those around them feed that illusion in the hope that some of their godlike aura may be transferable. They begin to act as though only they know and truly understand the meaning of business and how to make it grow. Decisions begin to be made with little or no reference to the reality of the workplace and rely heavily on employing highly expensive advisers to tell them what they want to hear - that they are visionaries, and that they will be enrolled into the legend that is the company.

In the financial services industry, where the availability of money makes it easier to spend and amass fortunes, collapse of organisations such the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Anglo Irish Bank, Northern Rock, and HBOS are classic examples of corporate blindness towards risk and personal responsibility. It is easy to be reckless when it does not involve your personal money. Even failure is rewarded by handsome pay-offs, but only if you are at the top.

We appear to know nothing of history - of a plethora of short-lived rulers who thought they knew it all and forgot what it was like to be at the bottom of the pile. Whilst it may seem ridiculous to us now, many Roman Emperors either believed themselves to be Gods or were promoted to Godlike status during their short lifetimes by those closest to them. This phenomenon has been repeated across numerous empires. Consumption of nectar and ambrosia is not a good diet for stimulation of common sense and awareness that not all is well around you. Euripides said 'those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad'. And is it any different now?

Recent history is littered with the Gods of industry and banking, once hailed as heroes in their own land, who now are the subject of the previous sycophantic saying 'I always knew he/ she was no good'. Yes, I'm sure you did, but at the time said nothing.

There is a myth that the Roman Empire declined and fell because of excess and debauchery. Whilst both were common enough what really contributed to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire and many others since (Britain, the Soviet Union, and the short-lived German Reich) was a combination of increased citizenship, internal turmoil, and primarily and probably as a consequence of the first two: unsustainable costs in running the empire. The army gained the empire and was supported in its efforts by resources raised as tax revenue from the existing population and the newly conquered population. Eventually as the empire grew it became unmanageable for a number of reasons, not least the cost of maintaining an expanded empire.

The Romans were never satisfied with what they had. Success was measured in conquest. From Rome they conquered the rest of Italy and from there the known world. The cost of maintaining a standing army of between 250,000 and 450,000 in order to a) continue expansion and b) to hold the borders began to outstrip income. In order to reach these numbers legions of auxiliaries were used to supplement Roman citizens. The auxiliary soldiers quickly learned to employ the fighting tactics of their new masters and eventually learned to use this against Rome.

The solution to the rising cost of expansion was to offer Roman citizenship and self rule to the conquered territories thereby placing a buffer zone between themselves and the barbarians beyond the borders. Whilst in theory this would give people a stake in Empire it also gave them an acquired taste for freedom.

The distance between the centre of control (the senate), and the dispersed workforce (the legions), resulted in significant delays in communication and feedback. Generals were often in the field for a number of years during which time they became self-absorbed and increasingly convinced of their own importance to the Empire. In the meantime those at 'head office' spent their time feathering their own nests and careers, ignoring and forgetting that their continued existence relied on the 'workers' at the front end of 'the business'. As a consequence, front line generals became significantly disenchanted with the senate which in turn became resentful of the power base being created by upstart soldiers.

It is the same in business. It is difficult enough to manage a company with one thousand employees let alone hundreds of thousands, especially if they are spread across the globe. Leaders quickly become disenfranchised and detached from staff at the customer end of the business and rely on reports generated by managers who are wary of publicising the negative aspects of trading. Communication relies on sound bites and positive messages of support of senior management strategy. Telling the truth becomes career debilitating.

Senior management spends less and less time in the field and any problems that emerge are blamed on a lack of understanding by the workforce of how tough it is being at the top.

The emotional distance between different factions within the Roman Empire, the lust for power, and the excess availability of paid muscle to enforce individual will, often resulted in internal violence. Gradually, as much time was spent fighting each other as was spent on fighting the barbarians.

The normal tenure for a Roman soldier was twenty five years. The average rule of a Roman emperor was 7 years, with some holding office for only a few days (in AD69 there were five emperors). Many emperors died violently. It appears that working in head office, despite the fringe benefits, was a lot more dangerous than working in the front line.

As the slave population grew so did the Roman's strength to resist, despite the fatal consequences of rebellion. What the Romans failed to realise is that when people have nothing to lose they also have nothing to live for.

What lessons can we learn if any?In 1973 E. F. Schumacher's book 'Small is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered' was published. Schumacher questioned the very idea of growth for growth's sake and warned that the way in which economies slavishly followed the idea that measuring gross national product was an indicator of well-being was a flawed concept. Whilst the 'small is beautiful concept' was widely adopted for worthwhile consideration in many business schools, it has clearly remained an academic concept with only cosmetic transference to the business practices on the ground. Madeleine Bunting writing in the Guardian in November 2011 commented that 'Small became cool but only as part of a branding strategy which masked the ongoing concentration of political and economic power. Gigantism has triumphed'.

In the 1930s Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi promoted the philosophy of economic self-sufficiency at the village level. He believed that the industrialisation of India being promoted by others would lead to dehumanising and was both unnecessary and beyond the basic needs of most people. For the most part his argument lost out to those who wanted India to be the stimulus for a 21st Century industrial revolution. Yet Ghandian economics has a significant following, though little political clout.

In 2012, the European Union's budget (€130bn) coupled with committed expenditure will reach a staggering €276bn. What began as a common trading platform has mushroomed into an organisation that employs 33,000 people to administer policy and you might rightly ask 'what do they all do' and more to the point 'why'? On top of the 33,000 administrative staff there are 754 Members of the European Parliament. The official website for the EU says that the central operating cost for the EU is value for money, costing each EU citizen only 67cents each. It further assures us that a mere 6% of the 2012 budget is spent on administration and only 6% of that on salaries. Mentioning these figures and the way in which they are presented is indicative of people running large organisations who eventually lose touch with the reality of most people's lives. Those who put these figures together represent them as 'only 6%' - but that's actually eight billion euro! And 'only 6% of 6%' is still five hundred million euro. 67 cents each might not sound a lot, but 504 million people paying it is. But is anyone interested enough to do anything about this? Apparently not.

There was a time when to have two or three close friends was sufficient for most people. Now social and business websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter encourage us to count our friends and contacts in the hundreds. The World Wide Web enables us to reach billions of people and distance is no longer an obstacle to communication, but is it? Email and texting reduces our ability to interact and sensitise us to really understanding each other. The complaint of many employees is that 'nobody listens to me' and in the main that is probably true. Senior managers communicate by email and via layers of management until eventually the message becomes distorted and unrecognisable from what was meant at the outset. People sitting within touching distance in offices communicate by email. People standing and sitting next to each other in social situations constantly use their iPhones to send, update and receive messages from other people. Does it matter? Isn't it just part of progress? Perhaps not. Perhaps it is simply part of the unrelenting process of reaching out beyond the confines of our local environment and embracing the expansion of that environment, and encouraging us to grow.

At a local political level councils are obsessed with attracting large conglomerates to their area with the aim of creating new jobs. In the process they usually have to offer significant incentives costing millions. In many cases the large conglomerate, having milked as much profit from the deal as possible during the years of reduced business rates and easing of planning restrictions, eventually closes the business in order to find some other mug council to exploit. Councils do not seem to consider how supporting small businesses might be a better sustainable bet in the long term. Large businesses going bust cause mayhem. Small ones don't.

I agree with Schumacher that the slavish drive for growth is a flawed concept. There is nothing wrong with staying as you are, provided that you continue to meet your obligations. In order to do so you also probably need to be innovative and react to changing markets and the world at large. This is easier if you are a small operation. As you grow the problems become bigger and so do the number of people creating and attempting to solve those problems.

We need to question exactly what the purpose of growth is and it seems to me that its purpose is to make some people, a small number of people, very rich. Yet how rich is enough? It is not uncommon to see people with so much money that they could never spend it in a dozen lifetimes. Why does anyone need to be paid millions? Why does anyone need to be paid one million? Take away the financial incentive of growth and I guarantee that the mergers and takeovers which are deemed necessary to improve customer choice and services would disappear overnight.